Abstracts - DLE
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Abstract submission Deadline

September 7, 2024

Abstract Acceptance Notice

September 15, 2024

Abstract Guidelines

Important Information

  • Abstract submission is free and registration payment is not required at the time of submission.
  • All submissions will be done electronically through DLE Congress 2024 Website.
  • It is the submitter responsibility to ensure that all co-authors approve of the abstract submission and potential presentation at DLE 2024.
  • Abstracts selected for oral presentation will be limited to one (1) per first author, and two (3) per institute or program.

Abstract Format

Abstracts may be submitted for either oral, poster, or oral/poster presentation (to be determined at the Scientific Committee’s discretion). Please note that space is very limited for oral abstract presentations.

Informed Consent & Organ Trafficking and Tourism Ethics Compliance

Any studies involving human subjects must conform to the principles of:

-Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (Clinical Research 1966:14:103).

-Declaration of Istanbul on Organ Trafficking and Transplant Tourism (Lancet. 2008 Jul 5;372 (9632):5-6).

Abstract Review

    • All submitted abstracts will go through blind peer-review carried out by Scientific Program Committee.
    • All abstracts will be reviewed by at least three reviewers selected by the Scientific Program Committee.
    • Abstracts will be assessed based the following criteria:
      • Interest: Is the content original/important/relevant to our field?
      • Novelty: How and to what extent are the findings likely to influence clinical or research practice, education or policy?
      • Robustness and quality of the data: Are the methods/ methodological approach clearly described?  How confident is the reviewer in the strength/ trustworthiness of the data and/or conclusions/discussion presented?
      • Presentation and Clarity: The basic purpose of the research/project is clear.

Abstract Details

  • Length: 300 words (Title and Authors’ names are excluded).
  • Only up to one table, figure or image is allowed.
  • Language: English.
  • Structure of Abstract: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

Publication of Abstracts

Accepted abstracts will be published on the official DLE website (accessible to DLE members only).