Amr Abdelaal, MD, PhD - DLE
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>Amr Abdelaal, MD, PhD

Amr Abdelaal, MD, PhD

President of ELTS

President of ELTS Congress 2022

Professor of HBP Surgery & Liver Transplantation

Ain Shams University


Dr. Amr Abdelaal graduated from Ain Shams University, Cairo (1993). One year of internship (1994) & 3 years of residency in general surgery department. He earned his Master’s degree (1997) & MD degree (2000) in general surgery, Ain Shams University. Trained in HPB Surgery & LT in Hopital Edouard Herriot- Lyon, France as a resident (2001‐2002) and Fellow (2005- 2008).

During his stay in France he obtained AFSA in digestive surgery, AFSA in HBP surgery & LT from Claude Bernard University, Lyon, France, DIU Diplôme Inter-universitaire of advanced laparoscopic surgery, hospital  Antoine Beclere, university of Paris XI, European University diploma of HBP Cancer (Oncosurgical strategy in the management of HBP Cancer), hospital Paul Brousse, university of Paris XI,  DIU  Diplôme Inter-universitaire de Transplantation d’organes (Lyon – Paris – tour) France, and Hesperis Course and Diploma prepared by the ESOT (European society of organ transplantation), addressed to the future transplanters in Europe.  

Dr Amr Abdelaal is currently a Professor of HBP surgery & LT in Ain Shams University, the head of the HPB unit & director of LDLT program in Air Force Specialized Hospital & Nasser institute for treatment & research since 2015. Dr Abdelaal is one of the founder of the (ELTS) Egyptian Liver Transplantation Society and was elected as the first President of ELTS. He is also a member of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Organ Transplantation, secretary of the Pan Arab Liver Transplant Society (PALTS),  fellow of the American college of Surgeons (FACS) and founder of the MENA chapter of IHPBA.

Dr Amr Abdelaal has more than 60 published studies in HBP surgery and LDLT. He is passionate for local, regional and international collaboration and training activities. He Founded the HBP surgery and LDLT unit in Saudi German Hospital in Jeddah – KSA in 2016. He also founded the LDLT unit in Abidjan – Cote d’ Ivoire (2021) through collaboration with the WHO and Trichville University.

Dr. Amr Abdelaal is one of the top leaders in LDLT field allover the world. He is very committed to improving access and outcomes of LT in Africa and Middle East.