Deirdre Kelly, MD, FRCP
Professor of Pediatric Hepatology
Birmingham University
Professor of Paediatric Hepatology at the University of Birmingham, Consultant Paediatric Hepatologist and Founding Director of the Liver Unit for Birmingham Women’s & Children’s Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. Trained in both adult and paediatric gastroenterology and hepatology. Set up the Paediatric Liver Unit at Birmingham Women’s & Children’s Hospital in 1989 which provides a national and international service for children with liver failure and undergoing liver transplantation, focused on family centres care which has transformed survival and outcome for these children.
President of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) (2006-2010), British Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) (2004-2007) and the International Pediatric Transplant Association (IPTA) (2002-2005).
Author of several textbooks about paediatric liver disease and has published many original articles and chapters on liver disease, liver transplantation and viral hepatitis.