Marina Berenguer, MD - DLE
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Marina Berenguer, MD

Past President, International Liver Transplantation Society (ILTS)

Consultant Hepatologist at La Fe University Hospital, Valencia, Spain


Consultant Hepatologist at La Fe University Hospital in Valencia, Spain where she is head of the Hepatology and Liver Transplantation Unit. She trained in medicine at the University of Valencia before completing a fellowship at the VA Medical Center / University of California (USA) with Dr. T. Wright.

She is also Full Professor of Medicine at the University of Valencia, Faculty of Medicine since 2021.

President of the International Liver Transplant Society in 2021-2022.

Research Coordinator within a National Network Research Center in Hepatology, CIBER-EHD, and Coordinator of La Fe University Research Group “Hepatology, Hepatobiliopancreatic surgery and Transplantation”.