Olivier Boillot, MD - DLE
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Olivier Boillot, MD

Professor of Digestive Surgery

Head of the Adult and Pediatric Liver Transplant Edouard Herriot Hospital,

Claude Bernard University Lyon, France


Pr. Olivier Boillot was born in Paris, France. After being graduated in General surgery in 1988, he obtained a Master of surgical science in 1993 and a Master of research in 1993 and finally was nominated Professor of Surgery in 1999.

He accomplished medical studies at Paris-West University and surgical residency and fellowship at Montpellier University Hospital. After one year training in liver transplantation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he joined for two years an adult and pediatric liver transplant program in Cochin University Hospital in Paris. In 1990, he was proposed to set up a program of adult and pediatric liver transplantations at Edouard Herriot Hospital in Lyon. This program was successfully conducted for more than 20 years practicing all kinds of liver transplant techniques. Dr. Boillot performed the first pediatric living donor liver transplantation in France on July 1992 and also the first adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation using a right graft in 1998 concomitantly with Beaujon hospital’s team. In parallel, an activity of HPB surgery was developed. Since 2019, Pr. Boillot moved to Hospital la Timone in Marseille in the aim to restart a pediatric liver transplant program and train a surgical staff.

Pr. Boillot participated setting up some living donor liver transplantation programs in Egypt.

His researches focused on experimental and clinical techniques of transplantation of small-for-size partial liver grafts, collaborative elaboration of a new cold preservation solution (IGL-1®) for abdominal organs, clinical trials on immunosuppressive drugs.

Up to now, Pr. Boillot published 260 articles listed on PubMed.