Mervat Mansour, MD - DLE
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>Mervat Mansour, MD

Mervat Mansour, MD

Professor of Pediatrics and Pediatric Critical Care

Ain Shams University


Mervat Gamal Eldin Mansour is a professor of pediatrics and pediatric critical care in the Faculty of Medicine at Ain Shams University. She graduated with honors, in December 1997. at Ain Shams University, in November 2006, she obtained her Medical Doctorate Degree (M.D) in the field of pediatric critical care. Dr. Mervat Gamal believes in incorporating pediatric critical care management techniques, into the multidisciplinary medical approaches in pediatrics in hopes of delivering comprehensive care that addresses as many pediatric patients’ needs as possible. In addition, she is very passionate about the idea of training junior pediatricians, as she sees that it is one of the most crucial parts of being able to assemble a future team of competent and effective pediatricians in the post-operative care domain of pediatrics in Egypt.

Dr. Mervat Gamal is a leading professor in the post-operative pediatric critical care field, since 2010. Subsequently, in 2013, she joined the Wadi El Nile liver transplantation team, where she started learning and practicing post- liver transplant pediatric critical care. She worked alongside renowned surgeons in Egypt, such as Dr. Mahmoud El Metiny and Dr. Amr Abdelaal at Ain Shams University, surgeons in France, such as Dr. Olivier Boillot at Hospices Civils de Lyon, and surgeons in England, such as Dr. Magdy Attia at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust. Moreover, during 3 years at the Air Force Specialized Hospital, in addition to her work at Wadi El Nile hospital, since 2013, she was able to develop her knowledge and medical applications to ultimately work on combined liver and kidney cases, re-transplantation cases and acute fulminant liver cell failure cases, as well as supporting a multitude of transplanted children in need of critical care management, at any instance during their life course.

Since 2019, she started a program which tackles post-operative cardiac critical care, where she leads the post-cardiac pediatric intensive care unit in the Heart and Thoracic surgery Academy of Ain Shams University.

Dr. Mervat Gamal has published around 20 scientific research papers that discuss hemodynamic and ventilatory management of pediatric critical care patients under different circumstances, while trying to merge both updated, developing management techniques and Egypt’s available resources.