Mohamed El Saadany, MD, PhD - DLE
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>Mohamed El Saadany, MD, PhD

Mohamed El Saadany, MD, PhD

Prof. Internal Medicine, Hepatology
Division of Gastoentrology and Hepatology, Mansoura University.


One of the Founders and Medical director of liver transplant unit- Mansoura university since March 2003.

Professor of Internal medicine-Hepatology -Mansoura university.

Graduated from Mansoura University of medicine November 1988.

Resident of Internal Medicine 1991-1994.

ECFMG certified 1993.

Master in General Medicine 1994.

Doctorate degree in General Medicine May 2000.

Awarded the American college of gastroenterology grant in 2001.

International fellow at Gastroenterology division, University of Texas at Galveston February 2002-August 2002.

Training at liver transplant unit, Edward Herriot hospital, Lyon, France (2004).

International fellow at liver transplant unit, Pittisburg, PA, USA (2006).