Refaat Kamel, MD - DLE
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>Refaat Kamel, MD

Refaat Kamel, MD

President of The Egyptian Society of Organ Transplantation

Professor of surgery, Ain Shams University


Presidency of International Societies

Presidency of Egyptian Societies

  • President of the Egyptian Section of The International College of Surgeons (ICS)
  • President and Co-founder of the Egyptian French Medical Association (EFMA)
  • Council Member of LDLT Study Group (S. Korea)

Honorary Fellowships

  • Honorary Fellow of the European Board of Transplantation: October 2011

Education and Qualifications

  • Fellow of the International College of Surgeons in Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery since November 1991.
  • Fellow of the International College of Surgeons 1991
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, May 1991
  • MD surgery, November 1991, Ain Shams University.

Academic and Clinical Positions :

  • Chair of Surgical Departments Ain Shams University
  • Head of Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery Department, Ain Shams University
  • Director of the National Liver Transplant program
  • Chief liver transplant surgeon in three leading liver transplant programs in Egypt since 2001 with an overall experience of more than 1000 cases of Living Donor Liver Transplants

International Journals

  • Reviewer in the transplantation proceedings Journal
  • Associate Editor in the Experimental and clinical Transplantation Journal
  • Editor in International Surgery

Further Positions and Training

  • Egypt representative in the Mediterranean Transplant Network 2006-2010
  • Board member for establishing the organ donation law in 2010 in the Parliament
  • Head of the communication committee in the supreme Egyptian council of organ transplantation (2006-2010)
  • TTS councilor 2008-2010
  • Member of the Istanbul Declaration on organ trafficking and Transplant tourism and member of the custodian group.
  • Dr Kamel has published more than 150 papers in local and International Journals as well as sharing in few international books on LDLT
  • Dr Kamel graduated from Ain Shams University and did his residency both in ASU hospitals and Kings College Hospital- London